Sunday Worship Services


At King of Glory we encourage families to worship together and welcome children of all ages in the worship services.  For more information regarding what to expect during worship please visit our FAQ page.

Our 8:15am service is traditional worship with favorite hymns accompanied by the organ  while our 10:45am service is a contemporary service with songs of praise lead by our praise team!  By offering two styles of worship  we hope to enable  people to connect with Christ in a way that speaks to their heart.

Holy Communion is celebrated every other Sunday and at both services on the months that have a 5th Sunday.  For information regarding participation in Holy Communion please visit our information page on the Lord’s Supper.

Adult Study Hour:  Approximately 9:20am (following the 8:15am traditional service)


The church is located on the NE corner of Hopps and Randall Road in Elgin.  Entrance to the church is off of Hopps road, there is no access to the church from Randall.  To view a map of our location click here.

"Connecting people to Christ and community"