Julia Comfort Dog

Click here to listen to a testimony from Terri Albright, Police Ministry Handler for Julia Comfort Dog.

What is the Lutheran Church Charities (LCC) K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry?

The LCC K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry is a national human-care ministry embracing the unique, calming nature and skills of purebred Golden Retrievers. The LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs are a bridge to compassionate ministry, opening doors for conversation about faith and creating opportunities to share the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ. LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs are working animals trained to interact with people of all ages and circumstances who are suffering and in need.

The LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs serve every day in the community in which they are placed and are deployed in times of disaster and crisis to bring comfort to all those affected, including first responders, and the volunteers who serve them.

The LCC K-9 Ministries only serves upon request. The ministry services are provided without cost to those served. Each K-9 Ministry relies upon the generosity of friends, supporters and donors to meet the expenses associated with carrying out the ministry.

What is an LCC K-9 Comfort Dog?

LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs bring comfort to individuals and families who are suffering pain or loss. LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs calm individuals, facilitate conversation, work with special needs individuals, veterans, and the elderly, and are used in counseling situations. LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs also respond to crisis and disaster situations.

A LCC K-9 Comfort Dog is a purebred Golden Retriever who is AKC certified and has passed the AKC Good Citizenship Test. They have been trained to a high level of performance and can perform specific tasks when required. LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs and their handlers are also certified by LCC. LCC K-9 Comfort Dogs and their handlers also receive ongoing and advanced training.

Find out more about the comfort dog ministry and Lutheran Church Charities by clicking here.

Who is Julia Comfort Dog?

Julia Comfort Dog was official placed at King of Glory on June 21, 2018. Her arrival was much celebrated after nearly two years of waiting. Julia now joins over 100 dogs throughout the Untied States that have been placed in churches, school and other locations to be serve their community and beyond. At the time of placement each Comfort Dog receives a bible verse unique to them. Julia’s verse is comes from the book of Romans:

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
-Romans 8:38-39

"Connecting people to Christ and community"